Zakat Calculator

Zakat Calculator

Through our zakat calculation page, you can calculate separately in Turkish lira, Gold, Silver, Dollar, or Euro. The Turkish Religious Affairs Department states that even if a person's assets in different forms are calculated separately, the total result is reached. Zakat calculation is when a year has passed over the property, regardless of whether it's from 2023 or 2024. After deducting debts, if a person reaches the nisab amount (96 grams of gold or its equivalent value) and a lunar year has passed over it, they are required to give zakat at a rate of one fortieth (1/40 or 2.5%). So, how is zakat calculation done automatically? Is there a difference between calculating fitrah and zakat? Is there a separate module for calculating zakat in cash?

What is Zakat?

Zakat is not only a mandatory act of worship but also the third of Islam's five basic principles. Zakat is a financial aid and delivering it to the poor is, in a sense, acknowledging their right in our wealth. Zakat refers to ensuring that the property of those who have the means to give zakat (those who have 96 grams of gold or its equivalent value of property or money, excluding their annual debts and essential needs, are considered rich according to religion and give one fortieth of their property as zakat every year) contains the rights of those in need, as determined by Allah. In addition to being a financial donation, zakat can be given to the needy in the form of money, gold, qurban, or other goods.

Who Should Receive Zakat?

Zakat is given to those who are unable to work due to illness or disability, or to those Muslims who struggle to make ends meet. It is given to students pursuing knowledge and to those genuinely in need. So, who gives zakat? A free, sane, adult Muslim who owns property (physically in hand or under control), has an increase in wealth, has surplus assets (assets subject to zakat beyond essential necessities), meets the nisab threshold (the minimum limit of being rich or the minimum measure of wealth), and has owned the property for a lunar year, is obligated to give zakat.

How is Zakat Calculated?

When calculating zakat, the possible zakat assets and their types (gold, silver, merchandise, sheep, goats, cattle, camels, land) are determined along with their quantities. Those that have reached the nisab amount for their respective types and have owned them for a full lunar year are identified. Then, the amounts equivalent to the required quantity for their respective types are calculated as the zakat amount, thus determining the rate of zakat to be given.

Zakat Rates

Before conducting zakat calculation, it is necessary to adhere to the measures and amounts set by Allah (SWT). Zakat rates, being a delicate act of worship, require precise calculation. Zakat assets are classified into five categories in Islamic jurisprudence. The first category includes cash assets such as gold, silver, and money, the second comprises commercial goods, the third encompasses agricultural produce, the fourth includes small and large livestock, and the fifth consists of buried treasures and minerals known as rikaz. Zakat for gold or its equivalent cash is given at a rate of 2.5%, or one fortieth, to the needy. Additionally, farmers who harvest crops pay zakat known as ushr; if irrigation expenses were incurred, it is one-twentieth, whereas if there were no expenses, it is one-tenth. Zakat calculation for small or large livestock varies. Zakat calculation for sheep falls under the category of small livestock. If the animals are sa'im, meaning they graze naturally outdoors for most of the year (6 months or more), one sheep is given as zakat annually for every 40 to 120. If the number is between 121 and 200, two sheep are given. If they are not sa'im, meaning they are fed and raised indoors for most of the year, and income is derived from their milk and wool, the value of the milk and wool must be calculated. However, if the person says they intend to feed and sell the animals, they deduct the expenses incurred from the nisab amount and give 2.5%, or one fortieth, as zakat. In terms of salary zakat calculation, if a person saves and accumulates wealth equaling the nisab amount after a year, they are obliged to give zakat. For example, if a person earning 50,000 TL saves 20,000 TL, they will have 200,000 TL approximately after 10 months. After a year has passed from this date, along with the continuing salary income, they become liable for zakat.

What is the Nisab Amount for Zakat in 2024?

Zakat is not a fixed amount declared annually like fitrah. It relates to the wealth and money of every Muslim. A person gives one fortieth (2.5%) of their zakatable wealth by calculating it. It's important to know that only 1/40th is the minimum amount, and gold cannot be given.

Why is Zakat Given?

Zakat is a mandatory act of worship. Additionally, it serves as social aid and preventive measures against economic disasters. Just as those who have the means to give zakat have a share of the poor in their wealth, the solidarity brought about by zakat ensures the healthy continuation of society. The giver of zakat expresses gratitude for their wealth, while the recipient receives their due right. Thus, both parties respect each other's rights, fulfilling the divine tradition. This way, when one part of the Muslim body suffers, the other part tries to alleviate the pain and suffering.

When is Zakat Given?

There isn't a specific time for giving zakat, and it can be given at any time. However, in our country and in the Islamic world, zakat is given during the month of Ramadan, the month of charity. The fundamental aspect of the question "When is zakat given?" is that a year must have passed since the wealth (reaching the nisab amount and more) came into possession.

How is Zakat Money Calculated?

When calculating zakat, the zakatable assets and their types (gold, silver, merchandise, sheep, goats, cattle, camels, land) are determined along with their quantities. Those that have reached the nisab amount for their respective types and have owned them for a full lunar year are identified. Then, the amounts equivalent to the required quantity for their respective types are calculated as the zakat amount, thus determining the rate of zakat to be given.

How much is Zakat in 2024?

The fitrah amount is announced every year by the Department of Religious Affairs, and it was 70 TL in Ramadan 2023. However, zakat is not like this. Zakat is not based on the year but on the nisab amount and the time that has passed. So, if a person possesses more than the nisab amount after deducting their debts and natural needs and a year has passed over this wealth, they give zakat.

Can Zakat be Given in Installments?

When we consider whether zakat can be given in installments, we see that the person records one fortieth (2.5%) of the nisab amount as a debt in the annual cycle. For example, if I have a zakatable property of 100,000 TL, 1/40th of it is 2,500 TL. The person can pay this zakat debt either in full or in installments, as long as they ensure that the amount does not decrease.