Support the Basic Needs of Syrian Families with Your Zakat

The Federation of Associations that Value Humanity (IDDEF) provides food aid to Syrian refugees returning to their homeland from Turkey, Lebanon, and the border regions, as well as to the real needy living in Aleppo after the fall of the regime. In this effort, İDDEF delivers flour—one of the most critical necessities—to the region, expanding its work with the zakat donations of generous donors.

Bread Production Continues Rapidly for Our Syrian Brothers and Sisters

With the end of the civil war, Syrian families have started to return to their cities, taking a breath of relief but still facing severe food shortages. As families begin to recover from years of war and suffering, moving toward rebuilding and production, IDDEF continues to stand by their side for essential needs. With the delivery of flour sacks to the region, bread production is accelerating and being distributed to families.

How Can You Deliver Your Zakat to Our Syrian Brothers and Sisters?

You can support the victims in Gaza by donating on this page, via FAST, EFT, or Money Transfer to the relevant account numbers.

aleppo flour aid - zakat

Support the Basic Needs of Syrian Families with Your Zakat

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