IDDEF Abduhamid II Mosque has been unveiled in the capital city of Guinea, Konakry. Now it is time for Madrasas, Specialty Center, Community Clinic and Food Bank.
Guinea is located in the West Africa. The capital of this country, which is approximately just a half of Anatolian territory, is a city situated on the banks of Atlantic Ocean, Konakry. Literacy rate among the population (above 15) is 41%. Primary education consists of 6 compulsory years, but the number of children who attend the school during 6 years is considerably low. Despite the rich natural resources and fertile soil, the country is one of the poorest nations of Africa. Estimated GDP is only 500 $. This statistics means that Guinea is 24 times poorer than Turkey.
We speed up the second phase of our Guinea projects. Among the planned projects are:
Girls’ and Boys’ Madrasas
We aim to raise Guinea’s future Hodjas in our 500 m2 madrasas where 200 boys and 200 girls can take education at the same time. We believe that these madrasas will provide high physical and administrative standards and contribute to Islamic education in the country.
The Specialty Center for Islamic Studies
For grad students who want to take master degree, we are planning to build a specialty madrasa, consisting of 6 classrooms, 2 administrative rooms, 1 dormitory and 1 dining hall, each roofed by 12 small domes. This specialty center is designed to serve top 30 distinguished African students every year.
Community Clinic
Primary health services and centers are highly needed both in Guinea and Africa. In order to fulfill this need, we plan to build a 250m2 sized hospital with 2 clinics, 1 entrance room and 1 laboratory.
The Food Bank
We plan to build a food bank in the Qulliyah. The food bank will serve to our hodjas, students and the local people around the madrasas. Nearly 3000 people will be served every day.