What is Compost?
Compost, which is a manifestation of an idea that does not look garbage-eyed at any organic matter created; the simplest method of recycling organic wastes with recycling is the technique. It is a miraculous process that we observe in the nature that all living beings such as human, animal, plant that completes their life mix with the soil and make it possible to live again and benefit people. Compost is that this miraculous process is accelerated by human hands. All organic wastes are made into fertilizer which is very useful for plants with certain techniques.
Compost Toilet
In compost application, all organic wastes are evaluated. This includes animal and human wastes. The primary purpose of the composting toilet is to prevent the poisoning of soil and water by pathogens contained in human waste. With the method used in normal toilets, hundreds of millions of people are mixing with our waters and our seas, and humans spend a lot of energy and money to use this water cleanly. On the other hand, soil pits used for human waste cause poisoning of both soil and groundwater. The compost toilet does not only eliminate all these problems that human wastes can produce, but it also ensures that certain techniques produce a much higher quality and useful fertilizer than animal fertilization.
Benefits of Compost Toilets
Why IDDEF Composting
1 billion people in the world are not having proper and healthy toilets, so they need to make toilet needs clear. This is caused by a number of prob- lems, including clear water problems. The use of open space for toilet needs, however far they seem to be for developed countries, saves 2 in 3 outdoor open space toilets in Africa and South Asia. In most countries in Asia and Africa, in 47 countries, half of the population are making their toilets open. This causes various deadly epidemics, mainly cholera and diarrhea. Due to these illnesses based on open toilet, an average of 900 children die every day and 270 million dollars are spent on health spending. In addition to the water shortage from the other side, exposed toilet needs also pollute clean water resources. Diarrhea caused by water polluted by the open toilet is one of the first three causes to kill children under 5 in Sub-Saharan Africa.
We are continuing our education and humanitarian activities with the understanding of the Ahl as-Sunnah we have as a Federation of Associations that value humanity. This notion guides us not only about faith and worship but also how we should behave towards what God creates. Protecting human health, protecting nature, water and land, treating all the creatures well and not wasting anything is the most important advice of the Ahl as Sunnah. In this regard, İDDEF strongly supports and implements the most beneficial and innocuous projects for nature and humanity.
Where compost and compost toilets are applied
As IDDEF, we only apply compost applications consisting of organic wastes to our media centers in Kenya, Senegal and Nigeria where we conduct our organic farming activities. We aim to apply compost toilet, where human waste is transformed, to all our schools. We plan to include families in compost toilet applications in countries like the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, which are regions in tropical climates that threaten human health by poisoning the drinking water of human wastes.