While IDDEF continues its Islamic and humanitarian aid, now, improved the masjids and madrasahs in Ethiopia, East Africa. IDDEF, with the support of its donors, with the opening of the masjid in the Walani Jimma town together, also opened the masjid and madrasah in the town of Toros, Ethiopia.
With the presence of the directive body of IDDEF, which came from Turkey, the first program was carried out in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. In the ceremony that took place in the Bilal-I Habeshi’s madrasah, 48 students who completed the memorization of the holy Qur’an, received their diplomas. In the graduation, as some students cried of happiness, a lot of emotional moments took place. With the certificate ceremony and some prayers, the program came to an end.
Abu bakr hadr Ahmed, a Bilal-I habeshi madrasah’s student who received his diploma said: “I came to this madrasah from Kolfe, Addis Ababa. I’ve been studying for three years and today it’s my last day. After today, my intention will be to call people to rightness and forbid evil, I’ll work with all my strength in the path of Islam and to correct my muslim brothers. Our beloved prophet SAW said: “He who does not thank people, is not thankful to Allah”, saying this, I say “May Allah be pleased with all of you”, We love you for the sake of Allah.
Another student, Abdulfettah kasim said: “I study in Bilal-I Habeshi madrasha. This madrasah was built by IDDEF. Today is our graduation, I’m very happy. With these, I want to thank IDDEF, to its scholars, to Mahmud effendi and to all the muslims who gave their support.”
After the ceremony the directives of IDDEF supervised and analyzed the education center of Worabe’s main mosque, in order to improve the conditions for the students in there.
IDDEF, with the presence of the townsfolk, carried out the opening of the masjid in Walani Jimma, place at 6 hours from Addis Ababa. People arrived with adorned horses and waving Turkey’s and Ethiopia’s flags. The opening of the masjids and madrasahs in Walani Jimma and Toro was carried out with prayers and Qur’an recitations. IDDEF is happy to have drilled a well last year and be the mean for 7 thousand people to reach clean water in Toro, today, townsfolk are receiving their madrasah, masjid and a big education complex.
The general director of IDDEF, Mehmet Turan, in the ceremony’s speech said: “We came to Ethiopia, land of the righteous king Ashama al Najashi, in order to go forward with permanent works in education with the mean of this new madrasah and this masjid. In order to make it permanent in this place, we carried out this opening with the presence of the local townsfolk. We are in Walani Jimma, place 7 hours far to Addis Ababa. With the support of our donors, we opened the “Cebir okullari” masjid and madrasah. Last year, before its construction started, we wanted one thing. We wanted a masjid where adoration is continuous. At the same time, we wanted it also to be a madrasah. With this intention we built 2 masjid and 2 madrasahs in Walani Jimma and Toro, place at 4 hours from here. In Toro’s town the water well also is helping its 7 thousand people population, who used to walk near to 10 km to reach clean water, now their smiles are always in their faces.”
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