Working Country: 33 countries 94 regions
Number of Shares Held: 30,000
Number of people reached: 1,500,000
In the framework of the International Kurban Organization that we started in 2010, we have tried to strengthen the consciousness of the ummah by realizing the sacrificial part of the victims in 94 regions in 33 countries with the support of you this year. We apologize to our brothers who can not answer because of the intensity. May Allah accept your rights.
As a federation of Humanitarian Societies, we have reached your needs of 1.5 million people with the support and intense interest of you in the sacrificial slaughter organization that we have carried out in 33 countries with the Feast of Sacrifice. The 400 İDDEF officials we sent to the countries where we have carried out the sacrifice have been provided with the distribution of your esteemed deputies to the other side of the world, the interception of the victims according to Islamic methods and bases, and the distribution to the pre-
Since 2010, we have always been sensitive to the Islamic rules and procedures in our victim organizations abroad and we have chosen our sacrifices and we have shown our sensitivity when we sacrifice our victims and the transparency of our work as İDDEF, our increasing donors every day and our people's support to us. .
We have made a cut of the sacrifices we have taken as Federation of Humanitarian Societies, and have sent an automatic information message that the victim's victim is severed. With the help of our web site, our donors have been able to track down the victims on our internet site, and if they are cut off, which countries are cut off.
With the power we have from you, we continue our activities without slowing down. In addition to Ramadan and Sacrifice activities, IDDEF continues to work with many projects abroad, such as the construction of madrasa and complexes, student scholarships, water well opening works and many projects abroad.
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