Arakan İsmailağa Tent City

Arakan İsmailağa Tent City

We take action to help our Arakanese brothers who have been exiled from their own lands. We are building a tent city which will consist of food bank, health center, madrasa and host up to 10 thousand families.

Electricity will be supplied by solar energy and there will be madrasas for boys and girls, mosque, masjit, water wells, toilet, bathing facilities, community health center, food bank and food warehouse in the tent city.

Oppression and Violence

Having been living under oppression and violence, Rohingya Muslims have faced with countless massacres for 250 years.

Lives Under Difficult Conditions

700 thousand Arakanese refugees are living on the border of Bangladesh. Living conditions are extremely difficult.

Basic Needs

Immediate aid must be sent to the region, particularly food aid, sheltering support and cleaning agents.


Living under harsh conditions, children are restricted in the sense of educational options.